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Timely Customer & Lead Follow Up

After creating your Action Plans in AutoRaptor, the application will automatically set a series of tasks with due dates that will appear on the salesperson’s Dashboard. Every day, throughout the day, your sales team can depend on AutoRaptor to prompt them through their workflow and ensure that they are taking the right steps to work their deals and that no opportunities are slipping through the cracks.

Sales reps love the simplicity of having one place where their follow-up task reminders link directly to the customer’s information. AutoRaptor also makes it simple to check off the tasks as complete, leave notes on the customer Up Sheet, and have it all tracked in their daily Activity Report.

Never miss opportunities to reach out to your customers on birthdays, anniversaries, or other important dates. AutoRaptor gives you yearly reminders for milestone dates with easy access to your customers’ history, making long-term follow-up simple.

AutoRaptor Follow-up